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Auto news from China

NIO Founder Tests ET7’s 150 kWh Battery Range, Sets Industry Standard | IT Home

Dec 17, 2023

On the morning of December 17th, the CEO and founder of NIO, William Li, departed from Shanghai driving the ET7 to test the 150 kWh battery pack’s range. As of the time of reporting, Li has driven 246 kilometers, with 77% battery remaining, and a consumption rate of 14.4kWh per 100 kilometers at a speed of 81km/h, with an interior temperature of 20℃ and an outside temperature of 3℃. Testing is still ongoing.

NIO Founder Tests ET7's 150 kWh Battery Range, Sets Industry Standard | IT Home

Li Bin suggested in the test that the CEOs of major car companies personally test the real range of their own electric cars. “If the CEO can do it, the average user should be able to as well,” he said. He also stated that CEO range testing should “become an industry standard.” During the live broadcast, Li Bin also “spoiled” some details about the 150-degree battery pack, claiming it to be the world’s first heat-resistant soft pack CTP battery, using NIO’s independently developed battery core with an energy density of 360Wh/kg, making it the highest energy density and capacity product among domestically producible power battery packs. As for the production date, Li Bin estimated it to be in April next year. In addition, the battery has also undergone internal testing from Kunming to Beihai, setting a record for electric cars with a distance of 1145 kilometers. According to IT Home’s report yesterday, NIO’s Li Bin stated that all models of the first and second generation platforms have completed verification notices, and the team has conducted various tests, with range performance exceeding expectations.

NIO Founder Tests ET7's 150 kWh Battery Range, Sets Industry Standard | IT Home

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