• 29.08.2024


Auto news from China

Wenyuan Zhixing’s Self-Driving Sanitation Vehicles Revolutionize Beijing’s Urban Cleaning

Jan 25, 2024

Recently, Wenyuan Zhixing’s self-driving sanitation vehicle has officially started operation in the Beijing Economic and Technological Development Zone, providing deep sanitation cleaning services in the core area, east area, and south area of the development zone. This is the first commercial sanitation project in Beijing to integrate the “self-driving + new energy” mechanized operation mode with the traditional manual operation mode. It is also the first unmanned sanitation service in Beijing that covers day and night. In addition to operating from 9:00 to 17:00 during the day, it can also operate from 0:00 to 7:00 at night, avoiding daytime traffic peaks and improving operational efficiency, complementing the existing traditional sanitation operation hours.

Wenyuan Zhixing's Self-Driving Sanitation Vehicles Revolutionize Beijing's Urban Cleaning

From July 2023, automatic driving sanitation vehicles began road testing in Beijing, and by October of the same year, they were upgraded to pure unmanned road testing permits. Wenyuan Zhixing became the first and only automatic driving company approved to carry out unmanned cleaning operations in Beijing. Now, it has achieved commercial operation and officially integrated unmanned cleaning operations into the city’s normal operation service system. Wenyuan Zhixing’s business advancement speed in the sanitation field ranks among the top in the industry. Wenyuan sanitation vehicles are China’s first mass-produced L4 level automatic driving sanitation vehicles, officially launched in 2022. They closely match the current situation of the sanitation industry facing intelligent transformation and upgrading, directly addressing the pain points of aging labor force, high work safety risks, and high carbon emissions pollution. By using advanced technologies such as pure electric drive, self-developed L4 level automatic driving software and hardware solutions, and exclusive cloud control platform, it provides various urban sanitation services such as road cleaning, dust reduction through water spraying, spraying disinfectant, and flushing, which can effectively improve operational efficiency, reduce sanitation workers’ work risks, and reduce exhaust emissions.

Wenyuan Zhixing's Self-Driving Sanitation Vehicles Revolutionize Beijing's Urban Cleaning

Since September 2020, Beijing has launched the construction of the world’s first high-level autonomous driving demonstration zone with the Beijing Economic and Technological Development Zone as its core. After three years of development, it has achieved full coverage of intelligent connected roads and smart city special networks in an area of 160 square kilometers. In July 2023, the “Regulations on the Management of Intelligent Connected Sweeping Vehicles in the Intelligent Connected Vehicle Policy Pilot Zone in Beijing” was issued, which is the first normative document in the country for conducting testing and demonstration applications of intelligent connected sweeping vehicles on urban roads, paving the way for the rapid access of Wenyuan sanitation vehicles.

Wenyuan Zhixing's Self-Driving Sanitation Vehicles Revolutionize Beijing's Urban Cleaning

The launch of Wenyuan sanitation vehicles is a key factor in the deep cleaning and sanitation of Beijing’s Economic and Technological Development Zone. It not only helps improve the urban environment of Beijing, but also explores new models for urban sanitation management. Wenyuan sanitation vehicles have been introduced in several key cities such as Guangzhou, Shenzhen, and Dalian, in addition to Beijing, and have become an important force in promoting the upgrade of local traditional sanitation industries.