• 27.07.2024


    Auto news from China

    2024 New Car Sales Report: AITO WENJIE Leads the Way with Impressive January Performance

    Feb 2, 2024

    Due to the impact of the year-end sales peak in 2023 and the tightening of new year’s preferential policies, the pressure at the beginning of the car market is relatively high, and the overall market has seen a significant month-on-month decline. On February 1st, several new car companies in the automotive industry successively announced the delivery of new cars in January 2024. Overall, each company has achieved relatively stable sales performance. AITO WENJIE January sales: 32,973 vehicles Data shows that AITO WENJIE, a sub-brand of Huawei’s HarmonyOS, delivered a total of 32,973 new cars in January, an increase of 34.76% compared to the previous month. Among them, the new M7 model was the main contributor to sales, with 31,253 units delivered in January. The official statement from AITO WENJIE stated that since its launch in September 2023, the new M7 has accumulated over 140,000 orders.

    2024 New Car Sales Report: AITO WENJIE Leads the Way with Impressive January Performance

    Furthermore, the official announcement of AITO states that, starting from January 31st, AITO M5 and the new M7 intelligent driving versions will begin to receive advanced OTA updates, enabling high-level intelligent driving in urban areas nationwide without relying on high-precision maps, bringing a smart driving experience that can be enjoyed across the country. It is reported that in order to ensure the production speed and quality of the new M7, Sailesi Automobile’s smart factory has invested over 1 billion and added more than 20,000 people to guarantee high-quality rapid delivery, with the factory running continuously for 22 hours every day. Currently, AITO has three models: M5, the new M7, and M9. Media reports indicate that AITO’s annual sales target for 2024 is 600,000 units. The AITO series currently includes the M5, M7, and M9. In terms of new models, the AITO new M5 will be launched in the first half of next year, followed by the new M8 in the second half, showcasing the brand’s strength in the high-end intelligent car market. Ideal car January sales: 31,165 units According to Ideal Car’s released January 2024 new car delivery performance, a total of 31,165 new cars were delivered, a year-on-year increase of 105.8%. Since delivery, Ideal Car has delivered a total of 664,529 vehicles.

    2024 New Car Sales Report: AITO WENJIE Leads the Way with Impressive January Performance

    Ideal car’s sales target for 2024 is to challenge 800,000 units, with a monthly delivery volume of 100,000 units, a monthly delivery volume of 30,000 units for a single model, and an increase in the construction of supercharging stations to 2,000 units. To boost sales, on January 11th, Ideal Car announced that its L-series models would be reduced by 33,000-35,000 yuan (4870$), with the starting price of Ideal L7 falling to within 300,000 yuan (41710$) for the first time, to 286,800 yuan (39880$); Ideal L9’s starting price after the discount is less than 400,000 yuan (55610$). Ideal sales staff said that the current price reduction measures are mainly aimed at the 2023 models, and the new 2024 models will be upgraded in terms of in-car intelligent chips and intelligence, and prices may be adjusted. In addition, the all-new Ideal L6 is also included in the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology’s declaration directory, with the new car positioned as a range-extended 5-seat mid-size SUV and will be launched in April to challenge the monthly sales target of 30,000 units. According to the plan, Ideal MEGA will be officially released on March 1st, more than 2 months later than the original schedule. “We are still very confident in Ideal L6.” The CEO of Ideal Car, Li Xiang, previously stated that the Ideal L6 would become the best-selling model in the Ideal L series for a single month. Ideal Car is confident in challenging Mercedes-Benz, BMW, and Audi’s sales in the Chinese market ahead of schedule in 2024. Ideal Car is increasing investment in marketing and channel construction, planning to add more than 330 direct retail centers and expand urban showrooms to fourth and fifth-tier cities. Ideal Car aims to achieve 100% coverage in third-tier cities and over 70% coverage in fourth-tier cities by the end of 2024, bringing professional products and services to more family users. On January 27, Ideal Car’s flagship retail centers in Beijing and Shanghai officially opened, accelerating retail layout in various cities. Ideal Car executives have also stated that they have set a high goal for 2024, hoping to challenge the top position of luxury brands next year and become the preferred brand for family users with a price of over 200,000 yuan (27810$), regardless of energy form. With the launch of Ideal MEGA, Ideal Car has officially started the development of a “pure electric + extended range” dual technology route. Deep Blue Car January Sales: 17,042 vehicles Data shows that Deep Blue Car delivered 17,042 vehicles in January, a 177% year-on-year increase but a 7% decrease from the previous month. Currently, Deep Blue has two models, S7 and SL03, on sale. According to the plan, Deep Blue Car aims to reach a sales target of 450,000 vehicles this year.

    2024 New Car Sales Report: AITO WENJIE Leads the Way with Impressive January Performance

    In terms of new cars, the Deep Blue G318 will be launched with a price tag of around 300,000 yuan (41710$). The new car is positioned as a tough new energy off-road vehicle and will be launched in the second quarter of 2024. Its competitors will be the Tank 400 Hi4-T and the Leopard 5 from Formula Leopard. In the third quarter, Deep Blue will launch a model with the codename C857. There are reports that this is a compact SUV, possibly positioned below the S7, with a possible starting price of 100,000 yuan (13900$). This further lowers the entry threshold for Deep Blue hybrid models, competing with models such as the Zero Run C10. Zero Run Automobiles January Sales: 12,277 vehicles Data shows that Zero Run Automobiles delivered a total of 12,277 new cars in January, including over 23,500 reservations for the first global model C10, which officially started pre-sales on January 10th.

    2024 New Car Sales Report: AITO WENJIE Leads the Way with Impressive January Performance

    On January 10, 2024, Zero Run held a self-developed technology open day and released six core intelligent electric technologies for LEAP3.0, including the Clover Central Integrated Electronic Electrical Architecture, the New Energy Gold Dynamic Total, the intelligent cockpit with 8295 blessing, intelligent driving for both city and highway, and a global vehicle architecture. At the same time, Zero Run’s first global model C10 under LEAP3.0 started pre-sale. The new car is equipped with Zero Run’s latest LEAP3.0 architecture, providing both extended range and pure electric power. The front of the car is equipped with laser radar, and it has advanced driving assistance capabilities. According to founder Zhu Jiangming, Zero Run’s sales target for 2024 is 300,000 to 400,000 vehicles. The company will launch its first global strategic model C10 in 2024, followed by the C16 model in the middle of the year, and more new products in the second half of the year. In addition, Zero Run also stated that starting from the 2024 Zero Run self-developed open day, the company plans to release a “technology package” every January, showcasing the latest self-developed technology achievements. In March, they will release a “product package” to bring high-quality products with the technology achievements on board. In other words, Zero Run will release the 2024 “product package” in early March, including C10, 2024 C11, 2024 C01, and others, to further strengthen sales, and 2025 will be a big year for Zero Run with 5 planned models. Jike Car January sales: 12,537 units Data shows that Jike Car delivered 12,537 new cars in January, a 302% year-on-year increase. The cumulative sales since delivery have reached 209,170 units, and on January 8th, Jike’s 200,000th mass-produced car was officially delivered. Looking at the weekly data, Jike 007 is becoming the main force driving Jike’s sales growth and is the runner-up in sales of 200,000-level pure electric sedans, second only to the Tesla Model 3. However, Jike 007 still needs to overcome production capacity challenges and surpassing Model 3 will take time.

    2024 New Car Sales Report: AITO WENJIE Leads the Way with Impressive January Performance

    At present, there are four models of Jike electric cars on sale, namely Jike 007, Jike 001, Jike 009, and Jike X, as well as the performance supercar Jike 001 FR based on Jike 001. In 2024, with the launch of more new models, Jike’s overall sales will also maintain strong growth. The official information shows that Jike’s sales target for this year is 230,000 units, and it will become the number one pure electric brand in China with sales of over 200,000. In terms of charging infrastructure, Jike electric cars have set a goal of deploying thousands of super fast charging stations by 2024 and aiming for a stock of tens of thousands of super fast charging stations by 2026. In addition, Jike electric cars are gradually expanding into overseas markets, with the first European version of Jike 001 delivered in 2023. NIO January sales: 10,055 vehicles Data shows that NIO delivered 10,055 new vehicles in January, an 18.2% year-on-year increase and a 44% decrease from the previous month. As of now, NIO has delivered a total of 459,600 new vehicles. In order to increase sales and introduce new models, NIO has launched promotional activities for its current models. All display cars have cash discounts ranging from 24,000 to 40,000 yuan (5560$), with the ET5T, ET5, ES6, and EC6 display cars having a cash discount of 24,000 yuan (3340$); the ET7, ES7, and ES8 display cars having a cash discount of 32,000 yuan (4450$); and display cars older than 120 days having a cash discount of 40,000 yuan (5560$).

    2024 New Car Sales Report: AITO WENJIE Leads the Way with Impressive January Performance

    According to NIO, the 2024 models will begin delivery in early March with upgraded hardware configurations, including an upgrade to the 8295 chip. NIO has recently made new moves in the battery swapping field, signing cooperation agreements with traditional car companies such as Changan Automobile and Geely Holdings to promote high-quality development and low-carbon transformation in the automotive industry. On January 11th, NIO signed a strategic cooperation framework agreement with Chery Automobile and Jianghuai Automobile in Anhui to collaborate in various areas related to battery standards, swapping technology, and service network construction. In addition, NIO CEO Li Bin revealed that the new entry-level brand, Alps, will be launched in the second half of 2024, supporting multiple “driver-car connectivity” functions provided by the new NIO Phone. The recently unveiled NIO ET9, priced at 800,000 yuan (111230$) for pre-sale, is expected to reshape the new energy executive flagship market when it begins delivery in the first quarter of 2025. According to Li Bin, NIO will not deliver any new products in 2024 and has a lot to do to strive to enter the top 10 global car companies by 2035. Nezha Automobile January Sales: 10,032 vehicles Recent data shows that Nezha Automobile delivered 10,032 new vehicles in January, including 2,821 overseas. Nezha Automobile’s sales have begun to rebound compared to December last year. As of the end of January 2024, Nezha Automobile has delivered nearly 400,000 vehicles. Recently, Nezha S and Nezha GT received their first OTA update of 2024, including multiple functions such as NNP high-speed navigation assistance lights. Nezha X, with its first 100 units on the market, also received its first OTA update, including 7 new features such as the DMS driver status monitoring system and new interactive gestures, as well as the integration of automatic parking and smart driving simulation display.

    2024 New Car Sales Report: AITO WENJIE Leads the Way with Impressive January Performance

    Nezha Motors plans to release multiple new car models in 2024, including the first SUV Nezha L on the Shanhai platform and a new crossover model, as well as 6 global models. Nezha L will be equipped with NEDC’s long-life L-series battery, which has the advantages of long life, support for ultra-fast charging, support for flash charging in the full temperature range, long range and high safety. Nezha L will be based on the Shanhai platform, offering two power options: pure electric and extended-range hybrid. Due to lower-than-expected sales in 2023, Nezha CEO Zhang Yong publicly reviewed and personally took over as the president of the marketing company, stating that the marketing system will “stand up as a whole and re-employ” in 2024. Recently, Zhang Yong publicly stated that Nezha Motors’ global sales target for 2024 is 300,000 units, including a domestic sales target of 200,000 units and an overseas sales target of 100,000 units. However, Nezha Motors also revealed that the overseas market will remain a key focus in 2024, accelerating the planning and establishment of factories in Indonesia, the Middle East, Europe, and the Americas, and shifting to an innovative trade + localization manufacturing model to help achieve the overseas market sales targets for 2024-2026. In terms of sales channels, Nezha Motors will cover 60 countries and regions worldwide, with a network operating products and services on the Yunhe/Shanhai platforms, and will expand overseas sales service outlets to 300. Xiaopeng Motors January sales: 8,250 vehicles Data shows that Xiaopeng Motors delivered 8,250 new vehicles in January, a 58% year-on-year increase. The Xiaopeng X9 has already started large-scale deliveries in over 100 cities nationwide, with a total of 2,478 deliveries. The official stated that the proportion of Max version purchases is close to 70%, and Xiaopeng is stepping up efforts to increase Xiaopeng X9 production capacity and accelerate deliveries for existing orders.

    2024 New Car Sales Report: AITO WENJIE Leads the Way with Impressive January Performance

    On January 1, XPeng Motors’ first MPV, the XPeng X9, was officially launched and deliveries began. The new car is the flagship model built on the P7 architecture, equipped with core P7 architecture technologies such as 800V, front and rear integrated aluminum die-casting, and XNGP. This vehicle is the only MPV model globally to come standard with rear-wheel steering, priced at 359,800-419,800 yuan (58370$). On January 22, media reported that XPeng Motors’ President, He Xiaopeng, led a new round of organizational restructuring, involving multiple departments such as marketing, human resources, intelligent data, production, and product planning. This adjustment goes beyond surface sales services and delves deeper into other areas. On January 30, XPeng Motors announced that the company has completed the landing of advanced assisted driving functions in 243 cities. XPeng Motors’ founder, He Xiaopeng, stated that by 2024, XPeng Motors aims to achieve full coverage of XNGP in major cities nationwide. In 2024, the company will begin developing high-speed NGP globally, followed by XNGP in 2025. According to reports, XPeng Motors’ AI research and development data operation team, focused on autonomous driving, has over 3,000 members, with an annual R&D investment of 3.5 billion yuan. In the future, XPeng Motors will promote end-to-end AI large model comprehensive onboard, with the goal of benchmarking the autonomous driving company Waymo in core area travel experiences. According to the 2024 plan of Xiaopeng Motors, 3-4 new models will be launched this year, including the sedan with the code name F57, a 150,000-level A-class car in cooperation with Didi, and a brand new SUV model. In addition, Xiaopeng Motors has also initiated the transformation of the new model production line. The project plans to upgrade the existing vehicle production line at the Zhaoqing base through production line technology transformation, with a total investment of over 100 million yuan. This also indicates Xiaopeng Motors’ emphasis and investment in the new product line, reflecting its confidence in the future market development. In 2024, Xiaopeng Motors continues to innovate and invest in the field of electric vehicles. With the launch of new models and the progress of production line transformation, Xiaopeng Motors is expected to achieve greater breakthroughs and achievements in the electric vehicle market. Lantu Automobile January sales: 7041 vehicles On February 1st, Lantu Automobile released the latest sales data, showing that 7041 new cars were delivered in January, a year-on-year increase of 355%. Lantu stated that they are moving towards the goal of 100,000 vehicles. Lantu Automobile CEO Lu Fang said: “At the beginning of 2024, Lantu continues to maintain the rapid development momentum of 2023, while continuously improving products and services, strengthening open cooperation, and signing strategic cooperation agreements with Huawei and JD.com, as well as cooperating with the Iberian Peninsula Automobile Group Salvador Caetano, to push the Lantu brand into the South European market, and accelerate global layout.”

    2024 New Car Sales Report: AITO WENJIE Leads the Way with Impressive January Performance

    On January 22, Lantu Motors and Huawei signed a strategic cooperation agreement, aiming to jointly create the ultimate smart travel experience based on user needs through innovative exploration in multiple areas and accelerate the large-scale commercialization of intelligent technology. Huawei focuses on intelligence, Lantu focuses on car manufacturing, and their future products are expected to fully utilize the advantages of both companies and bring the market heat that Lantu wants. Later, on January 29, Dongfeng Lantu officially signed a cooperation agreement with JD.com to jointly launch the “Lan Jing Plan” and build a fully online user experience sales platform. In terms of channels, Lantu plans to expand its sales channels to over 400 by 2024, covering more than 130 cities. In addition, Lantu Motors has also been actively expanding in overseas markets, with the Lantu FREE being sold in Finland and the Lantu brand being launched in Denmark, with the opening of the Lantu showroom in Copenhagen. According to the plan, Lantu will also enter the markets of Germany, France, and Italy by 2024, and within the next 3-5 years, it will truly become a well-known brand. It is worth noting that since December 2023, Lantu has released several major announcements such as flagship new cars, channel planning, and collaborations in the smart field, laying a solid foundation for surpassing 100,000 units in sales in 2024. Therefore, the market performance in 2024 will determine whether Lantu can move from being a “national team player” to a leading new energy brand. In summary, as the Spring Festival approaches and the off-season for the car market approaches, coupled with consumer wait-and-see sentiment, the sales of new energy vehicles in January this year were slightly flat, but the competition was more intense. In the increasingly intense market atmosphere, new car forces have collectively achieved year-on-year growth, with companies like Jink, Lantu, and Weixiaoli, especially AITO Wanjie, becoming the sales champion for the first time among new forces.