• 04.09.2024


Auto news from China

Li Xiang’s Internal Letter: Reviewing MEGA’s Problems and Proposing Solutions

Mar 21, 2024

On March 21, Li Xiang wrote an internal letter to the employees to review the problems in March and propose solutions. Li Xiang believes that the failure of MEGA is mainly due to two reasons: the pace of Ideal MEGA and the excessive desire for sales volume. The original internal letter is as follows:

Li Xiang's Internal Letter: Reviewing MEGA's Problems and Proposing Solutions

Li Xiang believes that the fundamental reason for MEGA’s failure is the incorrect management of the business verification period from 0 to 1 as a rapid development period from 1 to 10. MEGA and high-voltage pure electric vehicles must go through the 0 to 1 process. Before the release of MEGA, it is not difficult to see from the weekly sales volume of Li Xiang that Ideal Auto Company pays excessive attention to sales and competition, allowing desire to surpass value, as Li Xiang said.

Li Xiang's Internal Letter: Reviewing MEGA's Problems and Proposing Solutions

Objectively speaking, the internal letter released by Li Xiang today, admitting the problems of MEGA and proposing solutions, is honest enough. Li Xiang did not speak on social media for more than two weeks, during which time he should have been conducting in-depth reviews, adjusting strategies, and returning to the dimension of creating value for users. In addition, although the competition in the smart electric car industry is fierce, it is not something that can be achieved overnight. Constant growth and learning, recognizing problems, quickly adjusting, constantly creating value for users, and providing better product technology may be more important.