• 25.08.2024


Auto news from China

Driver Relies Too Much on Assistive Driving System, Causes Accident on G5 Expressway

May 8, 2024

At around 2:45 am on May 5th, a small car crashed into a roadside slope on the G5 Beijing-Kunming Expressway in Hanyuan, Sichuan. The vehicle rolled over twice and came to a stop in the emergency lane, fortunately no casualties were reported. Police investigation revealed that the incident occurred on a downhill curve in light rain, causing slippery road conditions. The driver, Wang, relied too much on the vehicle’s “assisted driving” function, failed to slow down while turning, resulting in the car hitting the roadside slope and flipping over. Luckily, the driver was wearing a seatbelt, preventing any injuries in the accident.

Driver Relies Too Much on Assistive Driving System, Causes Accident on G5 Expressway

Wang said he relied heavily on the intelligent driving assistance system. He trusted the system even in extreme conditions, which led to the accident. Wang warned everyone to be cautious and not rely solely on the intelligent driving assistance system.

Driver Relies Too Much on Assistive Driving System, Causes Accident on G5 Expressway

“Assistive driving systems include speed limit recognition, full-speed adaptive cruise control, automatic following, and automatic parking,” said the police. These functions can help drivers relax in certain situations, but drivers still need to monitor the surroundings and be prepared to take control of the vehicle at any time. Therefore, when using the “assistive driving” function, drivers need to stay focused, respond to the actual driving environment, and be more vigilant in relatively harsh weather and road conditions. Sichuan Highway Patrol Bureau reminds that assistive driving is not the same as autonomous driving, and drivers should prioritize human control and prioritize safety above all else. Wang Yu, Red Star News Reporter, Jiang Long, Photo by Police. Editor Zhang Li, Responsible Editor Guan Li.