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Solid-State Battery Concept Stocks Thrive with Foreign Investments – Breakthrough in Dry Method Prep!

May 23, 2024

Original by Ning Mo Three solid-state battery concept stocks received large investments from foreign capital within the year. New breakthrough in the dry method preparation of all-solid-state batteries According to the Qingdao Institute of Bioenergy and Process Research of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the research team of the Solid Energy System Technology Center of the institute used melt bonding technology to dryly prepare ultra-thin sulfide solid electrolyte membranes with excellent flexibility. Its excellent mechanical properties, ionic conductivity, and stress dissipation characteristics can effectively suppress mechanical failure caused by uneven internal stress in batteries. The integrated all-solid-state battery prepared by this method has excellent interface stability and long cycling performance. Rewritten in TSN style: Foreign investors poured significant funds into three solid-state battery concept stocks this year. The research team at the Solid Energy System Technology Center of the Qingdao Institute of Bioenergy and Process Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, achieved a new breakthrough in the dry method preparation of all-solid-state batteries. Using melt bonding technology, they produced ultra-thin sulfide solid electrolyte membranes with outstanding flexibility. These membranes have excellent mechanical properties, ionic conductivity, and stress dissipation characteristics, effectively preventing mechanical failure due to uneven internal stress in batteries. The integrated all-solid-state battery prepared using this method exhibits exceptional interface stability and long cycling performance.

Solid-State Battery Concept Stocks Thrive with Foreign Investments - Breakthrough in Dry Method Prep!

Currently, liquid batteries are the mainstream technology for lithium batteries globally. The process and supply chain are mature and cost-effective. However, the inherent safety issues and energy density limit their further development. Solid-state batteries use solid electrolytes to replace flammable and explosive electrolytes, achieving inherent battery safety. They can also apply higher capacity positive and negative electrode materials, opening up the energy density ceiling of lithium batteries, becoming an inevitable choice for overall improvement of lithium battery performance. Solid-state batteries mainly include three technical routes: polymer, oxide, and sulfide, depending on the type of electrolyte. Compared to the other two types, sulfide electrolyte has the highest ionic conductivity, wide electrochemical window, good flexibility, and ductility, making it one of the most ideal solid electrolytes currently. Major overseas companies such as Solid Power, Toyota, and Samsung SDI have chosen the sulfide route as the direction for solid-state battery technology, focusing on developing full solid-state batteries. Domestic companies like Weilan and Qingtao have chosen the oxide route, focusing on developing and producing semi-solid-state batteries. Although there are differences in the technical paths chosen by each company, the current trend shows that oxide and semi-solid-state, as well as sulfide and full solid-state, have become the mainstream combinations, with sulfide potentially becoming the ultimate technical path for full solid-state batteries. The research team’s findings on sulfide full solid-state batteries are of great significance for commercialization and provide a strong reference for future scientific research and technological development of full solid-state batteries. Multiple A-share companies reveal progress in layout In the A-share market, several companies have recently disclosed their progress in layout through interactive platforms. Lanhai Huateng Investment’s high-energy era sulfide full solid-state lithium battery research and development is progressing smoothly. They have already completed the development of 20Ah full solid-state cell A samples and are currently setting up a pilot line. It is expected that by the end of 2024, they will be able to achieve mass production of small cells within 5Ah. The stock has shown strong performance recently, with three consecutive monthly gains, and the stock price has risen by over 200% from its low point in February.

Solid-State Battery Concept Stocks Thrive with Foreign Investments - Breakthrough in Dry Method Prep!

Solid-State Battery Concept Stocks Thrive with Foreign Investments - Breakthrough in Dry Method Prep!

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