• 04.09.2024


Auto news from China

Prefer Landscape Design for Car Screens? See Why it’s Safer and More Logical!

Jul 10, 2024

Recently, we conducted a discussion on Weibo about #Which screen design do you prefer#. In the poll, the majority of participants chose the relatively traditional landscape design. This result is not surprising, as landscape design is more logical and safer for drivers. Landscape screens can meet most needs and reduce distractions for drivers.

Prefer Landscape Design for Car Screens? See Why it's Safer and More Logical!

BYD’s vehicles mostly have rotating screens, but the default mode is still horizontal. Tesla’s earlier models used vertical screens, but now they have switched to horizontal screens. Traditional car brands mostly design with horizontal screens.

Prefer Landscape Design for Car Screens? See Why it's Safer and More Logical!
Prefer Landscape Design for Car Screens? See Why it's Safer and More Logical!

In the discussion, @Chonggeche expressed support for landscape mode. Screens like @Chenzhuo_Avita’s remote screen and @Jike Zhuling’s mention of #JikeX# sliding screen are all based on landscape mode. In my opinion, the horizontal screen design in the car is absolutely awesome in terms of logic, driving safety, and user habits! Do you have different opinions? Welcome to refute!

Prefer Landscape Design for Car Screens? See Why it's Safer and More Logical!