• 25.08.2024


Auto news from China

Cybers Group Joins 2024 Brand Strong Nation Project with Central TV

Aug 21, 2024

On August 20, the Cybers Group joined the Central Radio and Television Station’s 2024 “Brand Strong Nation Project” signing event at the Media Center in Beijing. Cybers Group officially joined the project. The brand Wenjie also became a strategic partner for the Central Radio and Television Station’s automotive strong nation initiative. Ren Xue’an, the executive deputy convener of the Central Radio and Television Station’s general manager’s office, and Zhang Xinghai, the chairman of Cybers Group, attended the event. They delivered speeches and witnessed the signing alongside Guo Yan, the director of the Central Radio and Television Station’s Chongqing station, and Kang Bo, the vice president of Cybers Group.

Cybers Group Joins 2024 Brand Strong Nation Project with Central TV

Deputy convener She Xianjun and brand general manager Guo Feng signed the 2024 Central Radio and Television Station “Brand Strong Country Project” cooperation agreement.

Cybers Group Joins 2024 Brand Strong Nation Project with Central TV

Ren Xue’an stated in his speech that the “Brand Strong Nation Project” aims to discover, cultivate, and shape national brands that can engage in global economic and cultural exchanges. Since its launch, the project has included the most mainstream brands in China’s consumer market. Cyres has joined the Central Radio and Television Station’s “Brand Strong Nation Project.” This marks a renewal and upgrade of the corporate brand. We will leverage the station’s integrated communication advantages. We will provide online and offline brand communication services. This will promote high-quality development for the enterprise. We aim to create a world-class international smart car brand for Cyres with tailored communication service solutions.

Cybers Group Joins 2024 Brand Strong Nation Project with Central TV

Zhang Xinghai stated that Seres focuses on new energy vehicles. It is a technology-driven company and a national automotive brand rooted in China. The Central Station serves as a comprehensive media platform. It provides strong support for Chinese brands. The “Brand Strong Nation Project” helps these brands expand markets, showcase their image, and reach international audiences. Seres joined the Central Station’s project. Wenjie became a strategic partner in the automotive strong nation initiative. This partnership aims to promote national brand development and showcase the technological strength and new image of Chinese automotive brands to the world.

Cybers Group Joins 2024 Brand Strong Nation Project with Central TV

Professor Huang Shengmin from Communication University of China shared the growth history of Chinese brands over 40 years. He analyzed the market impact of the “Brand Power Project.” He stated that the project’s brand strategy aligns closely with national strategy. It achieves communication aggregation in an era of fragmented media. It helps brands deepen their presence in urban and rural markets and expand into international markets.

Cybers Group Joins 2024 Brand Strong Nation Project with Central TV

Liu Lihua, director of customer service at the general manager’s office, introduced the “Brand Strong Nation Project.” This project has evolved over the years. It provides media integration services for over seventy outstanding Chinese brands. Liu also shared classic communication cases from several partner companies of the project.

Cybers Group Joins 2024 Brand Strong Nation Project with Central TV

Wu Fang, deputy station manager of the Central Radio and Television Station’s Chongqing branch, attended the event. Relevant department heads from the general manager’s office and representatives from Century Runhua also participated.